About Us is a comparison platform that delivers our 10 best picks across a wide array of products and services. Our goal is to simplify decision-making by guiding you through the top available choices. Our dedicated team of editors and writers invests numerous hours in product and service reviews, focusing on feature comparison and delving into essential details. We offer you premier lists and reviews, which saves you time, effort, and money.

How does operate?

To identify the top products and services, we adhere to rigorous standards. Our diverse team is committed to thorough research. Our editors initiate the process by selecting a topic, followed by testing (when feasible) and assessing related products and services. While our comparison lists are at the core of, we also provide product reviews, feature breakdowns, guides, articles, how-tos, tools, videos, and tutorials. Additionally, we have a scoring system for rating products and services, based on a compilation of various data points. For more details on our scoring methodology, please click here.

How do we generate revenue?

Over the years, as our site and audience expanded, so did our objectives. What started as a small venture has evolved into a company with hundreds of professional researchers, analysts, web technicians, product developers, editors, and more.

While is entirely free to use (there are no charges for signing up or accessing our content), to maintain the provision of high-quality content, we earn commissions from our partners through affiliate links. This compensation influences the placement and order of products and services on our website.

On our website, you’ll find links in reviews, comparison tables, and articles that, when clicked, may generate a commission or referral bonus for us. Occasionally, we also publish sponsored content created in collaboration with our partners.

Regarding our reviews, it’s crucial to note that we aren’t paid to write reviews. However, these reviews may contain affiliate links or buttons that direct you to our partners’ websites. Long-time users of know that our reviews are candid and trustworthy, even when we earn a commission. If a product is recommended by, it means our team has thoroughly researched it!

The Team

Our team comprises passionate, motivated, and talented individuals who tirelessly work to provide the best comparison experience for our readers. Together, we work magic to help you make confident and effortless choices.